Outcomes & Sanctions for Behavioral Misconduct

After the completion of a Student Conduct Conference or Student Conduct Panel, a respondent will receive a decision of

  • Not in violation for all charges
  • In violation for some or all charges

Sanctions will be issued to respondents found in violation for some or all of their charges. While some violations have typical outcomes, the Code of Student Conduct seeks to preserve flexibility in the assignment of sanctions so that each respondent is afforded appropriate and just treatment. All sanctioning will consider the institution’s goal of providing an effective learning environment for all members and seeks to repair harm that may have been caused by the incident.

Factors that influence the degree and nature of the sanctions:

  • the nature of the violation and the incident itself;
  • the impact of the conduct to the individuals;
  • the impact or implications of the conduct on the university community;
  • prior misconduct by the respondent, including the respondent’s relevant prior student conduct history, both at the university or elsewhere, and any criminal convictions, if such information is available and known;
  • any expression of remorse or acceptance of responsibility by a respondent;
  • maintenance of a safe and respectful environment conducive to learning;
  • protection of the university community;
  • the necessity of any specific action in order to eliminate the prohibited conduct,
  • prevent its recurrence and remedy its effects on members of the university
  • community; and,
  • any mitigating, aggravating, or compelling circumstances in order to reach a just and appropriate resolution in each case.

Most cases will be assigned both a status sanction and one or more active sanctions.

Status Sanctions 

Status Sanctions (PDF) reflect a change in the respondent's status in the student conduct system.


A warning is an initial directive against similar behavior in the future and do not usually create a formal conduct record unless a subsequent violation occurs.


Censure is an official written reprimand for violation of specified regulations, including a warning that continuation or repetition of prohibited conduct will be cause for additional student conduct action. It is typically the lowest level of status sanction once a student has been formally charged.

Disciplinary Probation

Disciplinary probation is period of probation where additional restrictions or conditions may be assigned.  Violations of student’s probation or additional violations of the Code of Student Conduct during the period of probation, may result in removal from housing, suspension or expulsion from the university if student is found in violation of new charges.

Other services and offices at the university may limit participation on the basis of probation status as determined by their own policies. This includes the Office for Study Abroad.

Limitation of Privileges

Limitation of privileges limits access to participate in specified university activities or resources for the duration of the probationary period, including but not limited to parking, use of facilities, use of information technology resources, leadership roles in student organizations (including club athletic events), participation in student organizations, study abroad, academic honor ceremonies, university-related travel, etc., during disciplinary probation or other status sanction terms.  This does not limit the ability of other services and offices at the university to place more stringent limits on participation on the basis of a student’s conduct record or other circumstances.

Removal from Housing

Removal from housing results in the termination of residence contract and possible exclusion from visiting within certain or all residential facilities.


Suspension is the exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities, including access to university premises or university-sponsored activities off campus for a specified period of time.


Expulsion is the termination of student status and exclusion from university privileges and activities, including access to university premises or university-sponsored activities off campus, in perpetuity.

Other Status Sanctions

Other sanctions may be assigned instead of, or in addition to, other status sanctions.   Students may be directed to have “no contact” with other students and/or may be forbidden to access specified areas (barring notice, also known as persona non grata).

Active Sanctions

Active sanctions require action by the respondent in order to be completed.  Examples include

  • Alcohol and other drug review
  • Apology
  • Community engagement
  • Community restitution project
  • Fine
  • Meetings
  • Reflective project
  • Restitution
  • Workshop
  • Other

In determining what sanction or other action might be appropriate, the university may require a behavioral assessment conducted by a licensed professional to assess the respondent’s capacity to change behavior and succeed in the GW community.

Individuals may be required to adhere to/or complete conditions or provisions as part of an initial warning from the university.

Students who fail to complete active sanctions or conditions will have a hold placed on their records until completion of their sanctions and/or conditions. Holds can typically prevent students from registering for classes, withdrawing from courses, applying for on-campus housing assignments, graduating, or receiving copies of academic transcripts.

Students who fail to comply with their sanctions or provisions may also face additional conduct action.