Outcomes & Sanctions for Academic Integrity Violations

A student has the ability to accept the academic integrity charge(s) and proposed sanctions, accept the charge(s) and contest the sanction, or contest both the charge and the proposed sanctions.

For students who accept, they are agreeing to an in violation outcome for the charge(s).

For students who contest, the matter will be referred to an Academic Integrity Panel (AIP). After the completion of the AIP, a respondent will receive a decision of not in violation for all charges or in violation for some or all of the charges.

Sanctions will be issued to respondents found in violation for some or all of their charges. Violations of the Code of Academic Integrity have typical outcomes and sanctions, although there is flexibility in the assignment of sanctions.

Academic Integrity Sanctioning Model (PDF)

Academic Integrity Educational Sanctions List (PDF)

First Offense:

  • Typical sanction recommendation: failure of the assignment in question

Repeat Violation:

  • Typical sanction recommendation: failure of the course, includes transcript notation

More Serious Offenses:

  • May include suspension or expulsion, includes transcript notation (can only be determined by a Hearing Panel)

Other Sanctions (including but not limited to):

  • Warning: A warning is an initial directive against similar behavior in the future and does not usually create a formal conduct record unless a subsequent violation occurs.
  • Reduction of academic credit for the assignment or course
  • Educational sanctions
  • The inability to participate in extra credit opportunities or grading curve

The AIP may consider significant mitigating or aggravating circumstances when making a sanction recommendation, which may include, but are not limited to:

  • The nature and severity of the offense
  • The student’s prior disciplinary record

Sanctions will be implemented at the conclusion of the appeals period.

Academic Integrity violations may affect eligibility for study abroad programs. Study abroad eligibility is determined by the Office for Study Abroad and its policies.